Favourite Avenger?


Happy Birthday Zombie Beethoven!!!

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn, Germany on December 16th-17th, 1770 (he was baptized on the 17th). He invented the piano, was friends with Chuck Berry, and even was renowned in Europe as a Gary Oldman impersonator. He also went deaf or something, got down with Isabella Rossellini, and invented Romantic music. He is best known for his 5th and 9th Symphonies (although he wrote close to 1,000 of them) and wrote a song for a little girl once. He supposedly died of consumption -- some "made-up" disease to cover the fact that he got bitten by a zombie in the Great European Zombie Uprising of 1827.

BW's favorites: Moonlight Sonata, Pathetique Sonata, 5th Symphony (1st Movement), 7th Symphony (2nd Movement), 9th Symphony ("Ode to Joy"), and many of his bagatelles.

Zombie Beethoven turns 237 years old this weekend!!! So, to celebrate Biscuit World presents a video of the 3rd Movement of the Moonlight Sonata performed by a Zombie Wilhelm Kempff (posted on YouTube 15 years AFTER he died! Nice try, Wilhelm!!! No way you can post stuff AFTER you're dead, dude. Silly goose!)

BW's favorite Composer of ALL TIME: Zombie Beethoven


The Presidential Race is OVER!!!

Mike Huckabee is campaigning today in Tilton, New Hampshire. On the news was a nice piece about Huckabee visiting a veterans' home there with campaign supporter, Chuck Norris. The news didn't realize the significance of this event. THIS. IS. HUGE.

Everybody might as well get used to saying President Huckabee.
Oh, and get ready for mandatory church services on Wednesday and Sunday nights, too.
Vice President Walker? Texas Rangers running Homeland Security? Thank you, Chuck Norris.


This is Serious Business

Go HERE NOW. You won't be disappointed. One word. Popcorn.


November 2007 Poll - PANTHRO WINS!!!

The first monthly Biscuit World Poll has expired. The question: Which Thundercat Would You Want To Be? The answer: Panthro! By a close margin, Panthro edged out Tygra with 40% of the votes to 30%. Panthro is the Thundercat's chief mechanic/engineer/pilot and is the oldest on Third Earth (only Jaga is older). He is most famous for building and piloting the ThunderTank and for his nunchaku weapons that hold several "surprises" for foes. He is also famous for his lookalike at the Louisville Galleria Taco Bell. Biscuit World congratulates Panthro on his win!!!
(NOTE: BW voted for Tygra)