Favourite Avenger?


Heh #4

Thin Lizzy

Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
Somewhere in the town
Tonight there's gonna be a jailbreak
So don't you be around

"SOMEwhere in the town"?

Try the JAIL!!!


May the Zombies Eat You First #4

This post is WAY overdue.

You. Yeah, you. The dude(tte) driving on the road, oblivious to the Emergency Vehicle behind you.

I'm not going to begrudge you your loud music. I listen to the radio when I drive. And occasionally a Compact Disc. No biggie.

But, not hearing it cuz you are on your phone? GRAAAGHHH...

AND, are you SERIOUS?
You are trying to get in front of me after half-assly pulling over (well more like angling your car "towards" the shoulder) to get out of said Emergency Vehicle's way? You want to get ahead in the line now? WHAT? BLEAARRGGHHHH...

Maybe in an alternate dimension you will be in that Emergency Vehicle and some dude will be trying to text his buddies about how many cars he cut off that day...

May the ZOMBIES eat you first...


February 2009 Poll - That's what she said!

Fans of "The Office" showed up this month to push Jim and Pam over the top of chocolate and peanut butter (which BW cannot live without). As far as romance goes, their story is one of the better ones. Two people who belonged together actually got together. Take THAT, Joss Whedon.

Congratulations, Jim and Pam. But watch your back, people. Batman and Robin didn't receive a single vote and they know where you live...