Favourite Avenger?


Top 5 Things Missing from the Vancouver Olympics

5. Fur Trading
4. Hosers
3. Ginger Ale
2. The Kids from DeGrassi
1. The band RUSH

NO RUSH???!!! Are you freaking deaf?


January 2010 Poll - '03 and '07 Champs!

What looked like a victory for 2007 for most of the month ended up as a tie.
Your favorite Aught (BW STILL upset about misspelling that one...) is actually 2007 AND 2003.

The Boy was born in 2007. That's why BW voted for it.
But '03 had its moments for the BW family as well.

Congratulations, youse guys.
BTW, 2001 received ZERO votes. Not a favorite, huh? Just 9/11 or something else, we wonder...