Favourite Avenger?


OMG #9

Okay. TOTALLY bugging me.
The new Volkswagen commercials with people hitting everyone all over the place.
"Black one." PUNCH
"Blue one." PUNCH

You are destroying my childhood for a new model that has nothing to do with this game.

(Do I have too much time on my hands?)


OMG #8

Umm. Yeah. Noah can suck it. And Utnapishtim. AND Deucalion!
Well, you get the picture.

Thankfully, BW HQ escaped unscathed. Well, we did have 2 inches of water in the basement but that went away so it doesn't count.

It really was utter destruction. And it's going to take FOREVER to clean up.
Some people got hit in every way imaginable. Reminds you what tragedy can be.

But we will prevail and continue to post asinine, trivial nonsense on the Internets!

Give to Hands On Nashville or any other googled charity group around here if you so feel the urge. An initial estimate puts rebuilding at near 1 Billion (yes, Dr. Evil, I said Billion, with a "B").

Stay tuned for a Mountain Dew Product Review!!!*
*really does seem pointless after all this...

April 2010 Poll - Why so serious?

My sister-in-law's husband competed in a homemade ice cream contest a while ago and made a flavor called "Why So Strawberry?" Pure. Genius.

The winner of last month's poll for best Batman villain is obviously The Joker. Probably due to Heath Ledger's (RIP) amazing portrayal in the latest Bat-movie. Anyway, BW voted for Mr. Freeze in SPITE of Ahnold's portrayal of him solely due to the handling of Victor in The Animated Series (and the adjunct movie).

Anyway, have a good laugh on us, Mr. J. This town, indeed, needs an enema. And we got one, too! Thanks 13 inches of rain in like 4 minutes!