Favourite Avenger?


Seriously...you KNOW you owned this!

A whilez ago, my buddy Antoine and I had a discussion about the Steve Miller Band. Specifically, its Greatest Hits record from 1974-1978.

I just heard "The Stake" (Track 7) on 100.7 WZLX coming home. For you Louisvillians, ZLX is basically Boston's QMF.

Man, I think I sold this CD in the GREAT CHRISTMAS CD SALE of 1995. (Just so happened a roommate's parents had just bought a CD player and wanted to update their media library.) But I gotta say, whether or not it's considered a guilty pleasure or not...I miss this record.

Too many good songs. Too classic. Heck, I even saw Steve Miller at Riverbend in Cincinnati. That's right. I'm a nerd.

But I challenge any of you American males to find any of your friends who did NOT own this record or at least know it by heart. I think it was a prerequisite for entering high school to have this...


Anonymous said...

Hey, dude...*I* don't own any Steve Miller, and I never have. Of course, I know like 10 steve miller band songs by heart despite never liking any of them; so freaking ubiquitous! I much prefer Billy Squier to Steve Miller.

4114 said...

Slow Ride, indeed...