Favourite Avenger?


I sure hate me some Danzig

I heard "Mother" on two separate occasions yesterday.
Once in the car and once on the Metal station on our Digital TV radio thingy.
I had switched it from the Christmas Music channel to the Metal channel to see if the wife would notice. It took her like 10 minutes but she DID notice.

That song sucked in the 90s and it still sucks.
I don't know Danzig's catalog. The only other Danzig song I've heard is the one with the video with the sandpit in it and the band like rises up from the sand looking all hardcore and stuff.
But I do have a pretty good idea of what sucks. And it's that song.

Merry Christmas or Merry Blackness or whatever, Glenn Danzig.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is truly unlistenable...There had to be a danzig fan at mtv that got that in the rotation...the only way...