Favourite Avenger?


OMG #4

Earlier this morning at 4:30 the boy crawled into bed with us...
I turned over.
I felt a little itch near my elbow.
I grabbed at it with my right hand.
My thumb, index finger, and middle finger of my right hand.
I squeezed.
I squeezed a f*cking spider in my hand.
A giant we-apparently-have-millions-of-giant-spiders-in-Tennessee spider.
They are everywhere downstairs.
I spend most of my time upstairs.

Those of you who know me know this was devastating.
Dev. Uh. Stating.


Anonymous said...

You're sure the boy doesn't have some kind of spider-creating super powers, right?

Ugh. Why did it have to be spiders?!


Unknown said...

DUDE! Seriously?!?! That is DIS-GUS-TING! And you wanted me to sleep downstairs when I came to visit... BOO! In fact BOO to all spiders of the south! :)

- JBeezy