Favourite Avenger?


OMG #13

I just caught an episode of Jimmy Fallon last night, not sure if it was a rerun or new...
Anyway, kudos to Jimmy on showcasing lesser-known bands and all that...blahblahblah.
I'm not so into The Roots as he is, even having them as his house band.


Last night the band Of Montreal was on.
They sang some song about "You look like a playground, playah!"
They all had white make-up on their faces, except for the black singer.
There were like 300 people on stage. Not sure the instrumentation warranted that.
Three or so of them were just sitting in the middle drinking milk or something.
The song absofrickinlutely sucked.
It sucked to the point that I was still cringing while thinking about it and TRYING to sleep...

Don't listen/suppport/internet/google/care about Of Montreal. You will save yourself time and money.

You're welcome.

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