Favourite Avenger?


Product Review - Arnold Palmer!

This photo was taken over Christmas here in East Nasty (East Nashville for those suckas out there). This photo contains three awesome things.
#1 AWESOME beard
#2 AWESOME hat
#3 AWESOME beverage

I am not sure why it has taken me so long to bizzlog about the wondrous liquid but it's about time!!! The awesome beverage of choice of awesome people is Arizona Iced Tea's ARNOLD PALMER!!!

Yeah! I know! I hate golf!

But that dude knows how to brew a tasty drink!
It's touted as "Lite" and "1/3 Less Calories".
It SHOULD have a warning label as to how awesome it is!

What? You ask wtf is an Arnold Palmer?
HALF Iced Tea.
HALF Lemonade.
5/3 Awesome.

Kroger down here in the hood just started to carry it and it's all over for me. Save yourself. In fact, funny story, the can in the picture is from a gas station near Louisville. I had to import that shizzle into TN!!!

It receives Infinity Orions out of five.


Unknown said...

Hope it gets warmer down there so you can start hitting the golf course soon!

4114 said...

Tried to squeeze in 9 just the other day!

Anonymous said...

that's...that's what she said?