Favourite Avenger?


FYI - Seriously! I'm Awesome!

Refer to three posts down.
Look at that fictitious Dharma/MTV Logo.
I mean, how AWESOME is that logo?
And no comments on it. Not one.

Seriously. I had to go into MS Paint and copy and paste stuff from the Internet for that logo. Do y'all think genius like that creates itself???!!!

Sorry to yell. It's not your fault.

Pearl before swine? I won't go that far but MAN! That's one helluva logo!!!

Come correct and reprazent!


Anonymous said...

I did try to comment, but it was from home and you how our internet sucks... you are the bombe! SIL

4114 said...

Thanks for your attempts. In case you experience further Internet trouble, I do accept gift cards and straight cash as positive reinforcement.